Privacy notice


All FTM companies are committed to protecting your privacy and will process your personal data only in accordance with relevant data protection legislation and good data processing practice.

All FTM companies are committed to protecting your privacy and will process your personal data only in accordance with relevant data protection legislation and good data processing practice.

We at FTM collect and use your personal data (e.g. your name, email address and telephone number) for various reasons such as to provide you with our services and to enhance and personalize your customer experience.

In this Privacy Notice, we tell you about FTM's personal data processing in general and provide information on how we use personal data about you in specific situations such as for marketing, when you apply for a job at FTM, when you enter a contract with FTM and when you visit the website ("Website") or functions linked to the Website.

This Privacy Notice contains the following information

You can find more detailed information about how FTM processes personal data on the following topics by clicking on the link:

Marketing privacy notice

Why do we process your personal data?

We may collect personal data on you for a variety of reasons. For more information on a specific type of data processing, please look to the topic specific privacy notices listed above, such as our Marketing Privacy Notice.

What all personal data processing by FTM has in common is that the data processing is necessary in order for FTM to carry out its rights or obligations related to you. For example, if you are a customer, by collecting your personal data we may aim to provide you with the services you have requested; develop, enhance and personalize your customer experience; maintain and develop our customer relationship with you; and communicate with you more efficiently.

What kind of information do we collect about you?

We primarily collect personal data directly from you. You may provide us data for example by contacting us, or providing feedback, registering as a user of our services, applying for a job, subscribing to our newsletters or other material, commenting on or discussing any content on the Website, or downloading or uploading material.

The types of personal data we collect on you typically include information such as:

It is always up to you whether you want to give personal data to us. If you choose not to do so, please note that we might not be able to carry out an action you have requested. We may not be able to, for example, register you as a user, consider your job application, or provide you with our products or services.

When necessary, we may also use cookies and related technologies provided to us by third parties, and create new information by analysing the data we already have on you. For more information about the cookies is provided below in the section  “What are cookies and how are they used on this website?”

How do we use the information about you?

How we use information on you depends on why the information was originally collected. To give you an idea of how we process personal data, we have included some examples below. For more detailed information, please see our topic specific privacy notices.

In general, we tend to use your personal data especially for the following purposes: 

Do we share information on you to others?

We use third parties, such as service providers, to collect, store and process personal data on our behalf. Such service providers are only allowed to process your personal data to the extent necessary for them to provide the service we have requested from them. As a main rule, they are not allowed to use your personal data for the benefit of their own business.

In order to protect your privacy, we require that all our service providers keep the personal data we provide them confidential and adequately secure. They are also required to abide by data processing agreements and applicable data protection legislation.

Additionally, FTM may disclose and transfer your personal data within the FTM group of companies.

As FTM is a global group of companies with affiliates and service providers both within the European Union and outside of it, your personal data may be transferred outside the European Union. The countries to which your data is transferred may not provide the same level of data protection as your home country. Despite this, when transferring personal data to foreign countries, we will always look after its safety by ensuring that there is a legal basis for the transfer and that applicable laws governing data transfers are followed.

For how long do we store information on you?

We store personal data only as long as is necessary to fulfil our rights and obligations related to the data. However, as these rights and obligations vary from one processing situation to another, we provide more information on such storage times in the topic specific privacy notices.

Once personal data is no longer necessary, we delete it or anonymize it as soon as possible

What are cookies and how are they used on this website?

We use cookies on the Website to improve the Website's functionality and to obtain information regarding visits to the Website.

Cookies are small text files stored on your computer's hard drive which allow your computer to be recognized by the Website. We may use either cookies which save a file on your computer permanently (permanent cookies) or cookies which disappear when your browser is closed (session cookies).

With the help of cookies, we may collect information about, for example, your computer, IP address, operating system and browser type. This information generally includes data which does not allow individual identification of information relating to a specific user. If, however, we hold personal data about you, information collected by the use of cookies may be combined with such data.

Information gathered by cookies is used for statistical and analytical purposes such as maintaining statistics regarding the use of the Website, to conduct surveys in order to improve the Website and/or FTM's other products and services, to determine which parts of the Website are most popular, to provide information to third parties so that appropriate advertising may be directed to you, and to optimize the use of the Website. Cookies are also used to recognize you when you return to the Website in order to, for example, provide you with information related to your own interests.

We use a range of third party tools on this Website to enable features such as social media sharing and survey forms. In some cases, these third-party tools will place a cookie on your computer and use tracking technology for the purpose of personalizing your experience or targeting advertising. These third-party cookies may include, among others, AddThis, Adform, Crazy Egg, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, NewRelic, and Typekit by Adobe. Please refer to the privacy notices of each cookie provider for more information on their privacy practices.

You may choose to refuse cookies and delete cookies by using the settings and features of your browser. As your browser may be set to accept cookies by default, we encourage you to review your browser settings in case you are concerned about the use of cookies on the Website. Please note, however, that some parts of the Website may require cookies to function. Should you choose to set your browser to refuse cookies, you may be unable to access such parts of the Website.

How do we protect information on you?

FTM uses robust measures to protect the personal data it holds. These measures include guidelines, procedures and protections meant to limit third party access to the data, but also measures taken in order to limit our own personnel's and service providers' access to data they do not need in their tasks. In case you wish to learn more about our security measures, you can contact our privacy office.

What are your rights related to personal data processing?

As a registered FTM customer, you may access and amend your contact details and other profile information at any time through the FTM Login Account, FTM Preference Center or other FTM user account you have registered.

You have the right to access the personal data we have collected on you and request that we erase or rectify any erroneous, unnecessary, incomplete or obsolete personal data. In addition, you have the right to withdraw your consent to or otherwise opt-out of the collection of location data and/or direct marketing.

You may use the rights described above and/or express any concern you might have about our use of your personal data by contacting our Privacy Office via the contact details provided below in the section titled "How to contact us?".

We will do our best to resolve any issue you might have related to our processing of your data. However, if you are not satisfied with our answers or actions, you may always turn to your national data protection authority.

What to understand before clicking links to third party websites?

The Website may contain links to third party websites. Please note that FTM is not responsible for the privacy practices or contents of any such third-party website. Since this Privacy Notice only applies to this Website, you should read the privacy notices of websites when you open them.

Can this Privacy Notice be changed?

We may update this Privacy Notice at any time without expressly notifying you of such changes. The up-to-date version of the Privacy Notice can always be found on this Website.

We recommend that you revisit this Privacy Notice from time to time in order to review any possible changes.

How to contact us?

If you have any questions or requests regarding this Privacy Notice or the personal data we at FTM hold about you, please contact our Privacy Office:

This Privacy Notice contains the following information:

You can find more detailed information about how FTM processes personal data on the following topics by clicking on the link:

Marketing privacy notice