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How to Improve the Fineness of Ore Grinding?


How to improve the fineness of ore grinding is an important element of the whole processing operation, because grinding costs are higher in the concentrator work, so how to reasonably control the grinding fineness is important factor for directly reducing the cost of processing, and raising economic benefits of processing plant. Grinding fineness is one of the numerous factors affecting the metallurgical performance, and grinding fineness directly affects the concentrate grade and the recovery rate.

First, make a full understanding of the factors influencing the fineness of grinding. Generally, factors influencing the fineness of grinding are: Ore hardness, breaking grain and degrees, and lattice sieve hole, feeding size, ball mill model, steel ball number, steel ball size proportion, wear of mill lining board, and rotating speed of ball mill, rotating speed of classifier, upgrading height of classifier spindle, discharge opening of ball mill, etc.

After understanding all of these factors, we have to find the best adjustment factors in production operations. Ore hardness: different ores have different hardness, and this factor is fixed relative to the same ore and cannot be adjusted. In production, however, on the premise of technical requirements for processing, make rational ore matching.

Prolonged wear of ball mill belt may leak ores, and the most leakage is powder, and this portion of powder must be timely added to mill. Piling up for a long time and focus adding will result in uneven milling ore, causing instability.


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